Back to life with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Back to life with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

“Hike to an alpine pasture and drink a wheat beer with friends. That is one of my deepest wishes.” As Heike Gentner talks about this, her eyes sparkle and it bubbles out: “Go skiing, take a tango dance class or ride a bike to the Red Sea.” Her husband and she have no shortage of ideas — right now, she lacks physical opportunity. In 2016, she was diagnosed with MS. Not exactly encouraging, but no reason to give up. She is one of those people who have goals in mind, act thoughtfully and therefore always find a way. As a teenager, she was a competitive gymnast, danced rock 'n roll and ski enthusiastically. After graduating from high school, she successfully worked independently in marketing. She met her husband privately, they got married, the children were born and they built. “That was a lot,” she admits. “That's why I thought in 2009 that it was due to the circumstances that I felt so exhausted and tired. It went on like that for years. Until I woke up in November 2016 and my body felt completely numb from the bra strap down.” This was followed by a hospital stay with numerous examinations and the resulting diagnosis: MS - multiple sclerosis.

She draws hope from the Biocannovea concept

The numbness has completely disappeared, but her body awareness is still limited. “My body still feels heavy and immobile. I need a lot more time and my gait is often uncertain. But: I'm doing better than I was a year ago. I feel stronger, the tiredness is gone and I have the hope that I will be even better next year. “She draws this hope from the concept of Biocannovea, which is closely linked to the life story of Melanie Hils. The eel woman has the autoimmune disease Hashimoto — “which I have defeated for myself.” With the comprehensive Biocannovea treatment developed by Austrian Martin Krupitza, she got the disease under control, is symptom-free and can do without medication. She talked about her experiences at an event in Heidenheim; Heike Gentner, among others, sat in the audience. “I found myself in what I was hearing. I too had tried a lot of things — I didn't want to come to terms with the depressing statement from doctors that MS is incurable and that I had to live with the illness and symptoms. Melanie Hils and the concept of functional medicine spoke directly to me. I slept on it one night and called spontaneously the next day.” The phone call was followed by a meeting, then another and two weeks later by a trip to Vienna.

Melanie Hils and Heike Gentner

Based on her personal story, Melanie Hils set herself up in Aalen and brought the company Biocannovea to the region for the first time. Her motivation is to take people by the hand and help them in seemingly hopeless medical situations. Since the premises on Gartenstraße were still under renovation at that time, she offered Heike Gentner to travel to Vienna with her. The equipment was available there for a comprehensive analysis of their health parameters and the corresponding treatment options. The two women had around 600 kilometers ahead of them. In the luggage, a mix of excitement, questions and hopes. “I have to say that Mrs. Hils's offer and willingness to help me to travel to Vienna with me and to accompany me there made me very happy and moved. We talked a lot during the trip and got to know each other bit by bit and made friends. My conviction that I was on the right path grew stronger from hour to hour and I arrived in Vienna full of courage and hope.

“I want to take people by the hand and help them in hopeless health situations.” - Melanie Hils

Detailed analyses and individual treatment in Vienna

After a detailed blood, stool and hair analysis, Heike Gentner opted for an individually tailored treatment in Vienna. The analysis showed, among other things, that she was infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) years ago. Since the immune system is unable to dissolve the virus, it remains in the body for life. As a rule, it is inactive, but promotes many diseases. A long-term study by Harvard Chan School published in 2022 shows that EBV is directly related to MS and is involved in the development of it. The disease could be a type of long-term consequence of an EBV infection.

Health data from around 10 million US Americans was collected and evaluated over a period of 20 years. The targeted treatment in Vienna quickly had an effect on Heike Gentner. Biocannovea therapy is individually tailored to each patient. The center is therefore not a classic clinic. For Heike Gentner, it was a consistently positive experience. “It was a comprehensive treatment over three days. I was really excited. But that settled down quickly. I felt I was in good hands. Everyone was attentive, I had contacts and always knew what was happening at the moment. I had the certainty that they knew what they were doing. And last but not least, Melanie Hils gave me so much warmth and hope — she simply took me by the hand.”

Her symptoms have diminished significantly and she is more optimistic than she has been for years. The conviction that they had done the right thing finally led her and her husband to set up the first Biocannovea Longevity Medical Center in Aalen together with Melanie Hils and to completely rethink health.

“My goal is to become symptom-free and to be active again. If this illness should make sense, it is that I encourage other people not to give up and to seek and take new, health-revolutionary paths.” - Heike Gentner

“I've found my way and I'm looking forward to hiking back to an alpine pasture in the mountains and enjoying a cold wheat beer.”

For anyone who is rethinking health

Both women were in a conventional medical impasse with their respective diagnoses. For both, giving up was out of the question and both had courage. “With the Biocannovea Center, we are bringing a bit of hope to Aalen. For anyone who is rethinking health. If you want to get to know us, you can make a non-binding appointment at any time,” invites Melanie Hils.

Arrange a free initial history consultation with BIOCANNOVEA in Vienna now.

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